Why a pillar of salt and not, let’s say, pepper, or cumin? Explore the scintillating February 2021 issue of Commentary. But compared to Socrates on his deathbed, Abraham was a man still mired in the muck of accidental affections. But looking where one is told not to look? 3 Impersonal, that is, as compared to the more personal conception of transcendence represented in the notion of God. And it was for this desire that Irit was turned into a pillar of salt. Why did Jesus say, "Remember Lot's wife?" Why Did Lots Wife Turn Around . Lot’s action is judged by the hospitality rules of the culture and not our modern ideas about sexual perversion. …looked back… It costs them their life. But far more importantly, I knew from his confusion that my father, just like Irit, would also have looked back to see if all his daughters were following. She was told not to look back at the massive explosion occurring because it was DANGEROUS to do so! But Lot’s wife could not resist one last look back at the cities she had left. Rabbi David Kimchi (a 13th-century exegete known by the acronym Radak) points out that in Genesis it is sulfur and fire that are said to have rained down on Sodom. She was told not to look and she looked, says the Bible. When we look back, when we fail to see Jesus. Lets get into the Bible a bit for an idea of what happened to her. Escape to the mountains, lest you be destroyed” (Genesis 19:17). One Friday evening ha-Ari appeared before the doors, dressed in the special white garb he wore for the Sabbath. He agreed with me that it was consistent, but he wouldn’t agree that it was right. The first requirement of any system of philosophy is to be free from conceptual contradiction and confusion; and the philosopher asks for something similar in the life he would choose. Suddenly I felt the whole story of Lot’s wife shifting. On the one hand, I still remember my father’s admission of confusion about Irit’s fate, and the knowledge and comfort I gathered from his confusion. Now, what did Jesus mean in Luke 17 when He said “Remember Lot’s wife”? Because He knew that many others would be just as attached to "things" as she was. So she reluctantly left Sodom because she loved the world, not having the faith. Why Did Lot's Wife Turn Into Salt. While fleeing Sodom with her family, she had disobediently looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. She was turned into salt either because God couldn’t forgive her this desire . But as she did so, vapors of sulfur overtook her and she became a pillar of salt. Then it consumed her. The command was to “Flee for your lives! Lessons from her choice: What was the sin of Lot’s Wife? It's left open, of course, that the truth might very well include the existence of God. Victoria & Albert Museum. The angels did not initially want to be her guests, but rather those of her husband Lot, since he was more righteous (Num. Abraham bargained with God until it was clear there was no one righteous. It’s not, of course, that all Western philosophers have touted a life of loftiest solitude, although many have. A child’s knowledge of nostalgia is one of the mysteries of childhood. I wasn’t about to press the issue any further with my teacher, but I was fairly certain that whatever it was that had made Lot’s wife look back in her flight was in the nature of an overwhelming compulsion (a concept with which children tend to be well acquainted): the sort of irresistible urge that makes the whole question of whether or not one is going to get away with it pretty much beside the point. Team Biden’s Cynical Investment in COVID Pessimism. Did Lot’s wife have such a strong taste for the theater provided by others’ tragedy that she could not keep herself from stealing a glimpse of the flaming spectacle? After a while he said to me: “According to this midrash her name was Irit (some say Idit). Learn more about our. God agreed, but there were no such 50—nor 45, nor 40, nor 30, nor even 10. "the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah But Lot's wife looked back and she became a pillar of salt." Remember: Lot’s wife perished although she committed only one sin. The context does not specifically give a reason, but she probably had an inordinate love for the world and the material things she had in Sodom. But now one of you has questioned, and the moment is gone.”. According to Bible commentaries like the NIV Zondervan Study Bible, Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt as she looked back, “for disobeying the instruction not to look back. She was driving her car and was constantly looking in her rear-view mirror. Jesus warns his disciples that when he is revealed from heaven, nobody should even try and go back to their house to get any of their possessions, for that would be fatal (Luke 17:30-33). Of course there were other fathers in Genesis.1 There was, for example, Isaac, the child of the akedah now become a parent himself. Islamic accounts also talk about the wife of Prophet Lut when mentioning 'People of Lut'. One might be asked to temper this fierceness, and even to overcome a particular attachment if it stood in opposition to the all-transcendent bond to God. 19:26 But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. Were there moments in history during which God simply would not tolerate the existence of the skeptic? Lot's Wife, (sometimes called Edith) looks back and is immediately turned into a pillar of salt. Why looking back was a big deal is also a completely different question. It’s been hours since the Sabbath started. The righteous father Abraham arose early in the morning, while it was still dark, to prepare firewood for the sacrifice. God burned Sodom with fire from heaven and Lot’s wife was looking back at Sodom; God judged her behaviour and attitude and turned her into a pillar of salt. When Abraham learned that there were not even 10 righteous Sodomite men he accepted the city's doom and was silent. Lot’s wife looked back. In fact, it’s a vision of life as pellucid with rationality as the other is thick with the ties of blood and with the heavy decisions one is asked to make between the orders of one’s love. When Lot warned these two sons-in-law that Sodom was about to be destroyed, they laughed and said, ‘There is music and festivity in the city, and you speak about destruction!’, “According to this midrash, Irit had pity on her two older daughters who were left behind with their husbands. You begin to see why the story frightened me. 2. And her punishment came swift and horrible, added my teacher, following the traditional interpretation I too had thought inevitable. 1 And it's only right to remember that even Abraham might, on occasion, try to get God to change His word, as he did when he was informed that Sodom was imminently to be destroyed. And the angels instructed them saying, “Escape for your life! 2. “Why did she look?” I asked the second-grade Hebrew-school teacher, who was telling the story. Did Lot’s wife and I share the same perversity of nature that compelled us to take stupid risks for no very good reason at all, for no reason that really went beyond the risk itself? Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!" If you reject the use of “cookies”, AREOPAGO PROTESTANTE cannot guarantee the functionality of the website. Indeed, the custom of the time required the wife to walk a few steps behind her husband. Our wives and our children are waiting for us and surely beginning to worry.”. And he overthrew those cities, and all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground. But she did. The sacrifice of Isaac, the son Abraham loved the best, the son who had been miraculously born when Abraham was one hundred years old and Sarah, his wife, ninety. This seems like a rather harsh punishment for simply looking back on Sodom, which was formerly her … And was it for this that her punishment had come swift and horrible? And from his confusion I knew many things. Lot’s wife lost her life because she “looked back.” This was more than just a glance over the shoulder; it was a look of longing that indicated reluctance to leave or a desire to return. Why may Lot’s wife have looked back, and what did her disobedient act cost her? The angels told them not to look back or stop (Genesis 19:17). . They didn’t stop for a moment, and they didn’t look back. The angelic visitors to Lot’s home command him to flee the town of Sodom and not look back as it is destroyed the fire and brimstone. At my very Orthodox, all-girls high school, those of us who were making plans to continue on to college were warned of the dangers of a secular education. The Bible does not even tell us her name, though Jewish tradition says that she was called Edith and was a native of Sodom. They obeyed the word of God unconditionally, down to the last letter. Disobedience could be punished by death while raping ones sister could go completely unpunished. The life of the righteous men and women of Genesis was, deeply and intensely, a life of familial passions, of family loves and also hates, of family loyalties and betrayals. She looked back. 26 But Lot's wife looked back, and she became a … Here are both fire and wood, but where is the lamb for the sacrifice?” the righteous father answered: “God Himself will choose the lamb for the sacrifice, my son”—adding (again in the version embellished by rabbinical tradition), “and if not, you will be the lamb.” At which, in this version, the son put his face between his hands and wept. Click “OK” to authorise its use . Where Did Lot's Wife Come From . II. “ Do not look behind you,” was the clear command of the angels. 4. “I’ll see if I can find some other interpretations that will make things clearer to us.”. They didn’t stop for a moment, and they didn’t look back. But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. Why did "it" happen? Remember your first love and flee the bondage of sin. But Lot's wife, behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. Genesis 19:24-26 Then the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah sulfur and fire from the Lord out of heaven. When we decide to follow him, his resurrection life enters into our bodies, so that we are ‘in Christ’ and we become a new creation. After they had gone some distance from Sodʹom, she stopped and looked back. And I did, and do, admire her. It was exactly here, the rabbi told me, each Friday eve, right before sunset, that ha-Ari and his followers would gather, greeting one another and the Sabbath, as they expected at every moment to be greeting the Messiah. 4 In the Republic Plato attempts to construct a society in which the force of the ties of blood will be effectively neutralized, with children being held collectively and the facts of who is the biological relation of whom concealed. Her story is seen as an example of what happens to those who choose a worldly life over salvation. Look not behind, "Remember Lot's wife." Is This What Biden’s Voters Actually Want? (2 Corinthians 5:17). And why does Jesus tell us to remember her? —Read Genesis 19:17, 26. At last he was able to speak. She thought she could get away with it, but of course she couldn’t. What, then, would be the shortest verse ever spoken by Jesus? For that, she was turned into a pillar of salt; and even today you can see a pillar of salt named ‘Lot’s Wife’ near the Dead Sea at Mount Sodom in Israel - though whether this is indeed Lot’s wife is open to question. And for this I was extremely grateful. But Lot's wife, behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. On the other hand, my father never could work up any enthusiasm for the luminous vision of the life of pure reason I tried to paint for him. It cost her, her life. And that is exactly what Lot’s wife tried to do. There are extensive artistic works examining this story- painters painting her shocked face as she gazes on the ruins of her home, poets writing words from her perspective as to why she turned to look. In other words, she was lagging behind the others and carefully surveying the scene, probably with more than a hint of regret and nostalgia at all the friends and familiar things which she had left behind. He relates this to two periods in Old Testament history: firstly, the days of Noah, when judgment came on the whole earth in the flood, and secondly, the days of Lot, when judgment suddenly came on Sodom and Gomorrah with burning sulphur raining down from heaven (Luke 17:26-30). …looked back,… Genesis 19:26. Sadly, Lot’s wife did not reach the safety of the mountains because she “looked back.” And she immediately was turned into a pillar of salt. And all the white-robed disciples silently followed the Master out of the city of Safed, and across the fields. Because she was my namesake I wanted to love and admire Rebecca. And what request had that been? (I ignored then, and forever have ignored, that Isaac is said by rabbinical tradition to have been thirty-seven at the time of the aborted sacrifice. We know very little about this lady. When the two angels brought Lot, his wife and his two daughters out of Sodom, they told them to not stay in the plain area and to not look back (verse 17). He thought it was right for human life to be subject to contradictions, for a person to love in more than one direction, and sometimes to be torn into pieces because of his many loves. Did He mean “Don't look back over your shoulder or you will become a king-sized salt shaker”? And was it for this that she herself had been turned, most appropriately, into the stuff of tragic spectacle? Only the word ishshah, meaning “woman, wife, female.” Everywoman, then. Why did God command Lot and his family not to look back when he KNEW Lot's wife was going to look back? In such a moment of grief one knows only one desire: to follow after one’s child, to experience what she’s experienced, to be one with her in every aspect of suffering. Don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain! The Canaanite king, Abimelech, who took Abraham’s wife, Sarah, believing her to be Abraham’s sister, was temporarily punished with childlessness. He chopped the wood and saddled the donkey himself, not allowing any of his servants to perform these tasks that would ordinarily have been theirs. Hence, at least if one follows Radak, it seems that Lot’s wife was not the spectacular aberration I had always thought her. In fact, he thought it was all wrong. I love this blind and confused father, who can’t see clearly because of love, who’s so utterly and pitifully confused, because of love. Lot and his daughters obeyed and ran away from Sodʹom. In the original Hebrew, not only does her name not appear in this verse; his name doesn’t either. This woman's 15 minutes of fame came from one dreadful moment. For the original Hebrew of the Old Testament tells us that ‘she looked around from behind Lot’. Lots Wife Looks Back Commentary . Then he says, Remember Lot’s wife! Meaning Of Pillar Of Salt. God had warned that He would come, and He had come: in the version, embellished by rabbinical tradition, told to us by my teacher, His very Presence had descended, along with a host of 12,000 Angels of Destruction. Why may Lot’s wife have looked back, and what did her disobedient act cost her? The order of the Hebrew words is reversed, suggesting “she lagged behind her husband” (VOICE) or was “following behind him” (ERV). Don’t look back. 2 But why did Lot’s wife look back? My teacher’s response therefore seemed to me irreproachable so far as its theology went. We are taken from the blessings and protection that comes from following God exclusively and left to our own defense. Published in: Evangelical Focus - Faithful under Pressure “Rabbi,” he said, “where are you leading us? Many today will not believe that God means what He says. The “wrath of God” that struck Sodom and Gomorrah was a natural phenomenon. She is also referred to in the deuterocanonical books at Wisdom 10:7 and the New Testament at Luke 17:32. She is not named in the Bible but is called "Ado" or "Edith" in some Jewish traditions. She turned around to see if they were following her and she saw the Presence and was turned to salt.”. After they had gone some distance from Sodʹom, she stopped and looked back. Rebecca, who seemed to me a righteous parent on the model of her father-in-law Abraham, manages to preserve the purity of her vision of the divine priority; and in the light of this vision, she subdues—or perhaps even withdraws—both love and loyalty from Esau, betraying the trust he places in her. Voyeurism or skepticism, nostalgia or bravado: who was Lot’s wife, and what had moved her to look back and risk all? What led to the utter destruction of this city in a way … But it certainly does, from the Jewish viewpoint, where childlessness itself is seen as both a curse and a divine punishment. Escape to the mountains, lest you be destroyed” (Genesis 19:17). I asked him whether we knew the name of Lot’s wife, and I asked him why she had looked back. But why did she look back? Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it. But she did. Her action suggests that she identified with the people of Sodom. ( Yair Haklai, (CC BY-SA 3.0) But why did she break the commandment not to look back? What therefore seemed to me very much to the point was the question I had put to my teacher: what forced Lot’s wife to look back, and—even more to the point—would I have felt driven to do exactly the same? But Isaac, who is also a righteous father, loves Esau. I knew, first of all, that, in looking back at Irit, he, too, looked back with pity. But in Deuteronomy, when Moses, before dying, warns the children of Israel not to repeat the sins of the past, he speaks of sulfur and salt as having been poured onto the doomed city. She was told not to look, and she looked. She disobeyed and received the indicated punishment. What therefore seemed to me very much to the point was the question I had put to my teacher: what forced Lot’s wife to look back, and—even more to the point—would I have felt driven to do exactly the same? A couple of thousand years later, Christ was talking about the end of the “It doesn’t matter why she looked,” my teacher answered. Why, we do not know; but we will know when the time comes. My father did come up with several more midrashim regarding Lot’s wife. For that, she was turned into a pillar of salt; and even today you can see a pillar of salt named ‘Lot’s Wife’ near the Dead Sea at Mount Sodom in Israel - though whether this is indeed Lot’s wife is open to question. Lot’s Wife Looks Back. Why did she look back? He had explicitly told them, Flee for your lives! Above all, we were admonished, stay away from philosophy, a most dangerous discipline that systematically subjects every article of faith and belief to corrosive analysis and doubt; and the story of the apostate Baruch Spinoza was told to us in details that were meant to horrify. Do not look behind you nor stay anywhere in the plain. When the two angels brought Lot, his wife and his two daughters out of Sodom, they told them to not stay in the plain area and to not look back (verse 17). She had to commit the punishment and fate of Sodom to God. I wasn’t about to press the issue any further with my teacher, but I was fairly certain that whatever it was that had made Lot’s wife look back in her flight was in the nature of an overwhelming compulsion (a concept with which children tend to be well acquainted): the sort of irresistible urge that makes the whole question of whether or not one is going to get away with it pretty much beside the … Jesus said, No-one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God (Luke 9:62). Surely, surely, with the Lord’s counsel “look not behind thee” ringing clearly in her ears, Lot’s wife, the record says, “looked back,” and she was turned into a pillar of salt. Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away! It is pretty difficult to explain one human being turning spontaneously into a pillar of salt, especially when the other four around her were unharmed. Lot more thought. So she went around borrowing salt from all the neighbors, in this way spreading the word that the household had visitors, which was a species of persons dangerously unwelcome in the sinful town of Sodom. To look back was a sign of unbelief. The outcome of the physical devastation wrought upon Sodom was that the place itself became sulfur, while the people became salt. My father was telling me that he, too, was confused by the story of Lot’s wife. A. By conducting herself in this way, she gave unmistakable evidence that her heart did not believe what the angel had said to her—God would not really destroy all of their possessions. They knew what had happened to Lot’s wife. Why did lots wife look back? As they were escaping, the sky rained brimstone and fire on Sodom. But that is a sermon for another day. Smoking corpses, a burning city, and ashes throughout all the plain, were the only things that remained to speak of the utter folly of disbelieving the warning of God. You begin to see why the story frightened me. Was it the regret and longing she had directed back to her home in Sodom that had drawn God’s wrath down on her? At that moment Lot and his family were fleeing from Sodom and Gomorrah, where they had lived, because God was destroying these cities on account of their wickedness. She took her eyes off the path of the Lord. But before the conversation can begin, Socrates (one of the very few “family men” among the notables in the history of Western philosophy, who, almost to a man, were bachelors) orders someone to remove his weeping wife, Xanthippe, and “the little boy.” Plato also has Socrates declaring that flesh-and-blood children are of little or no account, compared to the ideas, embodied in books, and the disciples that a man leaves behind as his true progeny.4 The good life, from the philosophical viewpoint, certainly doesn’t require family and children to complete itself. I think she was looking back to see if what the angels said would happen really did. Lot’s Wife Looks Back. He tells them that as this kingdom is spreading and as he is preparing to come back to judge the world, most people will be blithely unaware and will be carrying on with their everyday lives, eating, drinking, marrying, buying, selling, planting. Later, during the years I spent as a student of this dangerous discipline, I found a restatement, although in somewhat different terms, of the old dilemma that had first been crystallized for me in the story of Lot’s wife, the conflict between the demands of transcendence and the backward pull of love and accidental attachment. The monthly magazine of opinion. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. LOT’S WIFE LOOKS BACK BUT HIS WIFE LOOKED BACK FROM BEHIND HIM, AND SHE BECAME A PILLAR OF SALT-Gen 19:26. Lot’s wife went with him, but as they reached the place of safety and Sodom was destroyed by God, she looked back. . Don’t look back. BUT HIS WIFE LOOKED BACK FROM BEHIND HIM, AND SHE BECAME A PILLAR OF SALT-Gen 19:26. But I read the story differently now: Irit looked back to see if her two first-born daughters were following, and she saw that they weren’t and what had become of them. If we felt we had to go to college, said our teachers, then we should at least be aware that there were certain subjects that were much safer than others. One of the contenders would surely be Luke 17:32: Remember Lot’s wife! Lot ran, his daughters close behind. It cost her, her life. Was she curious about what was happening? The scriptures say that the angels took hold of Lot, his wife, and two daughters to hurry them out of the doomed city. I wouldn’t have thought so, and I was a mere child, living in pallid, nonbiblical days. They knew what had happened to Lot’s wife. “But his wife, from behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt” (Genesis 19:26). The blindness began with the young because it was they who had instigated the mob. (What was brimstone?). “Lot’s Wife,” 1878, by Sir W. Hamo Thornycroft, R.A. Marble. On the way, Lot's wife looked back and was turned into a block of salt. T As God was destroying the two cities, Lot’s wife made a fatal decision. While fleeing Sodom with her family, she had disobediently looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!" But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. Lost your password? But Lot’s wife did, and she became a pillar of salt. Genesis 19:15-25 tells how Lot was led urgently out of Sodom by the angels because it was to be destroyed. Whatever the case, the point is she was called to desert everything to save her life, but she could not let go, and she paid for it with her life. Genesis 19:24-26 Then the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah sulfur and fire from the Lord out of heaven. But Lot’s wife did, and she became a pillar of salt. Prior to God destroying Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham pleaded with Him on the people’s behalf. Why Lot's wife looked back is a completely different question. We can learn a good lesson from this. Lot’s wife, biblical character, a disobedient woman who was turned into a pillar of salt for looking back to see the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as she and her family were fleeing. Lot’s wife disobeyed the clear commandment of the Lord. I met a mystical rabbi when I was in Safed, high in the hills in the north of Israel, and he told me a strange story. But who was Lot’s wife, and why should we remember her? When God poured sulphur and fire on the cities, Lot’s wife did not follow the commandment not to look back as it says in Breisheet 19:26 “But his wife looked back … We read: “But his wife looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of salt” (verse 26). He loves Esau for the things that are good in him—for it is good to be in love with life, and how wildly Isaac’s own longing for life must have beat in him as he lay bound on his father’s sacrificial altar2—and he’s blind to the bad that’s mixed in with Esau’s good, as we all hope that those who love us will be similarly blind. Sadly, Lot’s wife did not reach the safety of the mountains because she “looked back.” And she immediately was turned into a pillar of salt. Why Did Lot S Wife Look Back To me he is a child, lying there beneath his father’s raised knife.) She did not believe the words of the Lord. She lagged behind. "19:12 And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides? When the two messengers, who of course were angels, came to Lot’s house to warn him of the imminent destruction, he ordered his wife to serve them a meal, and this time to salt the food properly. Writers who Finally, after they had walked for miles, one of the disciples spoke up. You should read all of Genesis 19. Lot's Wife Bible Study . And ha-Ari sank down where he stood in the field and began to cry. The summer we had spent at the seashore I had seen for myself how the crowd had gathered around the boy who had been pulled unconscious from the ocean, and how the voice and face of this crowd had quickened with a strange excitement, as if it were almost glad for the event. In the Bible, Lot's wife is a figure first mentioned in Genesis 19.The Book of Genesis describes how she became a pillar of salt after she looked back at Sodom.She is not named in the Bible but is called "Ado" or "Edith" in some Jewish traditions.She is also referred to in the deuterocanonical books at Wisdom 10:7 and the New Testament at Luke 17:32. But Lot’s wife could not resist one last look back at the cities she had left. The OT God was an authoritarian God. (again the kids can answer that – She looked back) But why did God care if she glanced over her shoulder at Sodom? She was commanded not to, and told she would be consumed if she did. And for what? Nobody can get away with anything. Then Lot’s wife became a pillar of salt. Lot’s Wife Looks Back. Ezekiel 16:49. Don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain! looked. She hesitated, chose to ignore words of wisdom, looked back, and met with disaster. 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