Lihat Tutorial Lain"; } document.getElementById("ReportChordButton").click(); 1 of 22. function lambat() { Malay Guitar Chords: Tab Chords , Easy Chord & Lyrics : Request Chord Services , Organizes Chords Collection. var RandomAPI = [ - 08/10/2020, 09:18 WIB "Pulang" merupakan singel terbaru dari K Clique. } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); document.getElementById('YoutubeError').style.display = 'none'; titileurl = ''; var halflength = parseInt(settext.length)/2; }else{ }else{ }; // END Auto Select ALL for Search In Filter if (clicks%2 == 0){ /* }), n FareedPF, GNello, MK, Axel, IYB Midnight - NOIR Chord Monday, September 16, 2019. document.getElementById('ReportYoutube').style.display = 'unset'; *)* *$/, var string7 = '
'; } GetContainer = document.getElementById("test1").innerHTML; var settext = document.getSelection().toString(); ]; Lagu ini dirilis pada 20 Agustus 2020 lalu. uid += screen_info.width || ''; li = ul.getElementsByTagName("li"); }else{ if(input.value.length>0){ // if any input to filter else get first character only to prevent all list come out K-Clique - Beg 2 Back Chord Thursday, October 10, 2019. // var textBox = document.getElementById("gsc-i-id1"); return string + this; }), n xmlhttp2.send(); var RandomAPI = [ if(!youtubeURL || youtubeURL == ''){'POST', form.action + '/formResponse', true); -webkit-transform: rotate(135deg); } //console.log(artistname); return r.forEach(function(r, t) { (Unreviewed) Pulang is a song by 3 K-Clique members (Gnello, Somean and MK) featuring AJ. New Year Sale: Pro Access 80% OFF. //document.getElementById("wc-searchblacksubmit1").click(); } Guitar Ukulele Piano new. document.getElementById('ClickTutorial').onclick = function () { }); _chordsFlat.indexOf(r) : _chords.indexOf(r), a < 0) D. 2. 3. 'mlaykord', transform: rotate(-45deg); (function() { var RandomAPI = [ if (hour >= 6 && hour < 8) { starScroll(), valSpeed = document.getElementById("kecepatan").innerHTML, hitSpeed = +valSpeed + 17, document.getElementById("kecepatan").innerHTML = hitSpeed; if (i = _chordsFlat.indexOf(r) > -1 ? ( *(-|\/) *[A-G](#|b|&)?)? var range = document.body.createTextRange(); } if(obj2.query.pages[pageid2].thumbnail){ try { MK K-Clique - PELUANG KEDUA [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO] with capo transposer, play … input = document.getElementById('t1'); artistname = artistname.replace(string6, ''); Chords. : control.value) : }), n return String(r).match(s) ? if (txtValue.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) > -1) { else var i = e[(h + a) % e.length]; document.getElementsByClassName('backgroundputih')[0].style.color = 'white'; if (hour >= 18 && hour < 19) { //7 var script = document.createElement('script'); Sebentar Ku Pulang chords by K-Clique with chords drawings, easy version, 12 key variations and much more. ( +[A-Ga-g](#|b|&)?m?\+?(sus|add|maj|dim|aug)?[0-9]? + '=' + (control.value === undefined ? '' Felisitas Dhwani Wihangga. var linkdia = ''+resultlast143 e = /[A-Ga-g](#|b|&)?m?\+?(sus|add|maj|dim|aug)?[0-9]? } s = /^ *[A-Ga-g](#|b|&)?m?\+?(sus|add|maj|dim|aug)?[0-9]? function RequestChordForm(form) { //document.getElementById("wc-searchblacksubmit1").click(); uid += navigator_info.plugins.length; } txtValue = a.textContent.charAt(0) || a.innerText.charAt(0); //light mode return array2string(s) document.getElementById('loader').style.display = 'none'; var string1 = 'W'; function ReportChord(type){ } [Bm Am D G A B C] Chords for K-CLIQUE | PULANG - GNELLO, SOMEAN & MK K-CLIQUE feat. 256.634.4210 // Declare variables dst.innerHTML = chords.shiftScaleBy(src, shift); function findChords(r) { var value = document.getElementById('s').value; var string2 = ''; // Loop through all list items, and hide those who don't match the search query }} } catch(e) {} Chord Kunci Gitar dan Lirik Lagu Pulang - K-Clique. } if(document.querySelector("span#test1 span.colorchord")!=null){ if (hour >= 0 && hour < 6) { document.getElementById('DescReport').value = value; Home; About. Lagu "Pulang" mendapat sambutan yang cukup baik, mulai dari platform musik digital hingga YouTube.. Sampai hari ini, Kamis (8/10/2020), video liriknya telah ditonton lebih dari 8 juta kali dan lagunya telah diputar lebih dari 1,5 juta kali melalui platform musik digital. document.querySelector('#darkmode').textContent = 'Light'; [F Bb A Am C Dm Gm D Bm Db G Eb Dbm Ab Gbm E B] Chords for NABILA RAZALI feat. if (value2.length < 1) { var RandomAPI = [ var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; (n =, a = findChords(r.substr(0, n - 1)), a[n] = r.substr(n).trim(), a) : [] }).join('&'); li = ul.getElementsByTagName("li"); "AIzaSyBTWRhHCClKgoXL8N05z_VImzr11qUKfiQ", //mikamokie var c = i.length - r.length; if (i + a < 0) var c = t[(t.length + i + a) % t.length]; color: #444; var gcse = document.createElement('script'); shift = shift - 1; li[i].style.display = "none"; } } return false; ]; textBox.onmouseup = function() { gcse.async = true; (n=self.find(e)))for(n=self.find(e,0,1);self.find(e,0,1);)continue}else if(-1!=navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft"))null!=TRange&&(TRange.collapse(!1),(n=TRange.findText(e))&&,null!=TRange&&0!=n||(n=(TRange=self.document.body.createTextRange()).findText(e))&&;else if("Opera"==navigator.appName)return void alert("Opera browsers not supported, sorry...");n||alert("String '"+e+"' not found!")}} 3. elements[i].style.color="blue"; return false; var cln = itm.cloneNode(true); chords.shiftScaleBy = function(r, n) { document.getElementById("kecepatan").innerHTML = hitSpeed var s = 0, } document.getElementById('youtubeDivPlayer').src = IframeYoutubeURL; Lirik Lagu Pulang . "AIzaSyCVJyG1tYa2r8RT1RogEg2fCfA9Gc8sM0Y", //malaykordmail2 return 'value' in control && ? return this.substring(0, index) + string + this.substr(index); "AIzaSyCrQ__7VDnXmFu9g8sdzc501U9UYrby_8s", //ilham Am. "AIzaSyCkUA_GdjK2ucoRA2nxBj9ha4SPWgOs0bk", //ilham3 font-family: arial,sans-serif; function replaceWithTags(r, n) { All contents are subject to copyright, provided for educational and personal noncommercial use only. if (hour >= 14 && hour < 16) { //2 - 4 } This song is famously used by Malaysian Instagram user … K-Clique Lyric, Kord K-Clique , K-Clique Guitar Chord , Lirik Lagu K-Clique, Kord Gitar K-Clique "AIzaSyAl9HfbqC_onWbPBrduTcwyWrlioNZYeuM", "AIzaSyA49ZLllNzh1K1BwhMC9LgZUtRk2pir2rA", K-Clique - Pulang Chord Thursday, July 30, 2020. } document.getElementById('chordtransposereportform').style.display = 'unset'; } Malay Song Lyrics Mempersembahkan LIRIK LAGU SEBENTAR KU PULANG yang dirap oleh K-CLIQUE dan di feat oleh Gnello, AJ, Somean dan MK. }; } ]; document.getElementById('loader').style.display = 'block'; }) "AIzaSyC0Hp0wiw-ghLFA3oSuhYIJFc3R3nOzzPA", for (var a = n, s = r.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g), e = 0; e < s.length; e++) s[e] = transposition(findChords(s[e]), s[e], a); ]; } catch (e) { _chordsFlat : _chords; const alltextBox = document.querySelectorAll('.gsc-input'); } else { document.getElementById('sharethis').style.color = 'black'; }else{ var screen_info = window.screen; n += r + "\n" K-Clique - Sah Tu Satu Chord Monday, December 16, 2019. textBox.placeholder = 'Search'; if (hour >= 20 && hour < 21) { //9 } var TRange=null;function findString(e){if(! artistname = artistname.replace(string2, ''); putContainer = "
" + GetContainer + ""; gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; } document.getElementById("linktranspose").style.display = "inline-block"; var data = [] { Lirik dan Chord Lagu Pulang - K Clique. script.src = youtubeapiurl 'malykord', var chords = {}, document.getElementsByClassName('mobilelabel')[0].style.color = 'black'; Malay Chord Guitar,Gitar Kord Melayu,Lirik Lagu,Films Quotes,Makan Sedap KCLIQUE - PULANG Chord | Killjols KCLIQUE - PULANG Chord | Killjols } artistname = artistname.replace(string1, ''); var string4 = ''; if(!itm){ }; function RequestChord(type){ //var artistinfo =[0].title; if (h + a < 0) var i = e[(e.length + h + a) % e.length]; div123.innerHTML = div123.innerHTML.replace(/\bAm\b|\bA#m\b|\bBbm\b|\bBm\b|\bCm\b|\bC#m\b|\bDbm\b|\bDm\b|\bD#m\b|\bEbm\b|\bEm\b|\bFm\b|\bF#m\b|\bGbm\b|\bGm\b|\bG#m\b|\bA#\b|\bA\b|\bBb\b|\bB\b|\bC#\b|\bC\b|\bDb\b|\bD#\b|\bD\b|\bEb\b|\bE\b|\bF#\b|\bF\b|\bGb\b|\bG#\b|\bG\b|\bA7\b|\bA#7\b|\bBb7\b|\bB7\b|\bC7\b|\bC#7\b|\bDb7\b|\bD7\b|\bD#7\b|\bEb7\b|\bE7\b|\bF7\b|\bF#7\b|\bGb7\b|\bG7\b|\bG#7\b|\bAb\b|\b#|\bA5\b|\bB5\b|\bC5\b|\bD5\b|\bE5\b|\bF5\b|\bG5\b|\bA7\b|\bB7\b|\bC7\b|\bD7\b|\bE7\b|\bF7\b|\bG\bAmaj7\b|\bBmaj7\b|\bCmaj7\b|\bDmaj7\b|\bEmaj7\b|\bFmaj7\b|\bGmaj7\bAsus4\b|\bBsus4\b|\bCsus4\b|\bDsus4\b|\bEsus4\b|\bFsus4\b|\bGsus4\b|\Gm7\b/g, function(match) { function editable(){ "AIzaSyCUugAQsOkKfiRIb_oqhKVK_4sKdwKrBm0", //itapurba input = document.getElementById("myInput"); ]; var l = r; KClique feat Alif - Mimpi Chord Sunday, July 14, 2019. Strumming. Jalan Pulang tabs, chords, guitar, bass, ukulele chords, power tabs and guitar pro tabs including di kota ini tak ada kamu lagi, jalan pulang, perjalanan malam, pulau laut */ txtValue = a.textContent || a.innerText; .lefttranspose { var uid = navigator_info.mimeTypes.length; "AIzaSyAHwu5Ro0aMe1s8mSFYr5kP2GK3Aft-xSs", //gambarbackup1 //nothing happen _chordsFlat : _chords; document.getElementById('sharethis').style.backgroundColor = 'black'; function shiftPlus(src_id, test1) { ]; _chordsFlat = ["C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B"]; 1 of 18. ]; document.addEventListener('copy', (event) => { Bm. try { var RandomAPI = [ }else{ textBox.onmouseup = null; var lagu = location.href; Chords for K-CLIQUE | PULANG - GNELLO, SOMEAN & MK K-CLIQUE feat.; "AIzaSyC78aFYqViSwtmma5WyTANlO5aXVMCrT5c", Sebentar ku pulang Cari rezeki sebentar untuk Aku bawa pulang Untuk keluarga ku sayang sanggup Biar ku tak makan. var input, filter, ul, li, a, i, txtValue; document.getElementById('youtubeDivPlayer').style.display = 'none'; function shiftMinus(src_id, test1) { ''; return 'value' in control && ? var hour = new Date().getHours(); ( *(-|\/) *[A-G](#|b|&)?)? document.getElementById('sharethis').style.backgroundColor = 'white'; var RandomAPI = [ Menangkan E-Voucher senilai Jutaan … } youtubeapiurl = encodeURI(youtubeapiurl); "AIzaSyC0B2fyPU7W4lZzLbnEEEFcrSE1VwBE_qY", *$/; var RandomAPI = [ for (i = 0; i < li.length; i++) { background-color: #d8d8d8; padding: 3px; !function(exports) { 1. }; document.getElementById("runvalue").innerHTML = val; if (valSpeed > 17) { _chords = ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"], imgwiki = "
"; // Work around Chrome's little problem document.getElementById("kecepatan").innerHTML = 0; var itm uid += navigator_info.userAgent.replace(/\D+/g, ''); 3. } n = n.slice(0, s + a) + "" + n.slice(s + a, s + a + r.length) + "" + n.slice(s + a + r.length), a += "".length + "".length //do nothing var n = ""; var imgwiki = ''; G Bm Am D D. G sebentar ku pulang Bm cari rezeki sebentar Bm untuk aku bawa pulang Bm untuk keluargaku sayang sanggup Am biarku tak makan Am jadi terasa senang walaupun D banyak yang kurang perasaan pun rasa D tenang K-Clique Lirik , cursor: pointer; "AIzaSyD8ZnuO46KZemXKsLIIZWOTlhmXeDvCiPY", //killjols document.getElementById("DisplayTutorial").innerHTML = "No tutorial yet click to request
Lihat Tutorial Lain"; lagu = lagu.replace("", ""); i.righttranspose ,i.lefttranspose{ .righttranspose { function formvalidation() { var RandomAPI = [ 'mlaykrd', var pageid2 =[0].pageid; } } alltextBox.forEach(textBox => { dst.innerHTML = chords.shiftScaleBy(src, shift); ( *(-|\/) *[A-G](#|b)?)? } r = r.replace(/m?\+?(sus|add|maj|dim|aug)?[0-9]? var div123 = document.getElementById("test1"); var range = document.createRange(); exports.RequestChordForm = RequestChordForm; } var dst = document.getElementById(test1); } }; if(settext.length >=500){ } return false; val += 1; xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', event.clipboardData.setData('text', settext); document.getElementById('loadyoutubeurl').appendChild(script); var element = document.getElementById('test1'); } shift = 0; // Prevent further mouseup intervention } artistname = artistname.replace(string4, ''); textBox.onmouseup = null; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var RandomAPI = [ }); } // do nothing document.getElementsByClassName('backgroundputih')[0].style.backgroundColor = 'black'; else if (document.getElementsByClassName("alpha").length){ return r.forEach(function(r, s) { JAKARTA, - "Pulang" merupakan lagu terbaru dari K-Clique. if (hour >= 8 && hour < 9) { val = 0; } lagu = lagu.replace(" ", "%20"); document.getElementById("transposesection").style.display = "none"; document.getElementsByClassName('backgroundputih')[0].style.color = 'black'; } document.getElementById('UIDRequest').value = uid; if (hour >= 10 && hour < 11) { Download Pdf. if(textBox !== 0){ youtubeURL=''; function AlphabetAuto(alphabet) { document.execCommand("copy"); var string3 = '?'; } var navigator_info = window.navigator; lirik lagu pulang – k-clique : [intro] na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na [chorus: gnello] sebentar ku pulang cari rezeki sebentar untuk aku bawa pulang (pulang) untuk keluarga ku sayang sanggup biar ku tak makan janji terasa function LoadYoutube(data){ if (valSpeed < 17) { for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { } Sebentar Ku Pulang chords by K-Clique. } }else{ li[i].style.display = ""; settext = settext.insert(halflength, NewCodeMLYKRD);; function transposition_new(r, n, a, s) { } function ReportChordForm(form) { font-size: 10px; document.getElementById("runvalue").innerHTML = val; function SendReport(value){ } "AIzaSyDPUMAvGW6jjymI1PoXyEVxmISK24BFXwk", //mikamokie 1 of 27. shift = 0; xhr.send(data); }(typeof module === 'undefined' ? document.getElementById('youtubeDivPlayer').style.display = 'unset'; }; Ariff Bahran feat Sarah Suhairi - Satu Di Hati Chord, Remember Of Today - Pergi Hilang dan Lupakan Chord, One Avenue Band - Kisah Antara Kita Chord. ul = document.querySelector( "#Label1 .widget-content ul" ); } document.getElementById("RequestChordButton").click(); var RandomAPI = [ li[i].style.display = "none"; if(hour >= 22 && hour <= 23){ //11 document.getElementById('ReportYoutube').style.display = 'none'; Tuning: E A D G B E. Author awwwdrey [pro] 43. else var c = t[(i + a) % t.length]; li[i].style.display = ""; "AIzaSyDWteyMD4JbBgoGkVtVI5KtCLGFIxVn6ck", //killjols if (document.selection) { s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); if (index > 0) { a = li[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; } textBox.onfocus = function() { function FilterUp(alphabet) { // Function for filter search in page filter = alphabet.toUpperCase(); "AIzaSyDWS-JS_dptcg6t5DvONOI4ZfdGCNZkIrI", //izzmain android api if(is_list == 0){ // Not working on label LIST page Lagu telah diedari di bawah label muzik, K-CLIQUE. gcse.src = '' + cx; artistname = artistname.replace(string5, ''); Lirik dan Chord Lagu Pulang - K Clique. document.getElementById('URLRequest').value = location.href; var xmlhttp2 = new XMLHttpRequest(); ]; if (hour >= 11 && hour < 12) { } } ]; border: solid black; document.getElementById("test1").innerHTML = putContainer; } 2. var e = 0, } else { *$/, ""), t = "flat" === s ? }; function wikipedia(artistname) { // START Auto Select ALL for Search In Filter var d = c.length - r.length; else var c = t[(i + a) % t.length]; document.getElementById('lagu').value = lagu; var wikiimagesize = 200; Request Chord Disini! artistname = artistname.innerHTML document.getElementById('ClickYoutbe').click(); ]; K-Clique - Pulang Chord - Malay Gitar Kord , Tab Chords , Easy Chord & Lyrics : Request Chord Services , Organizes Chords Collection return false; Kembali ke artikel... Tulis komentar dengan menyertakan tagar #JernihBerkomentar dan #MelihatHarapan di kolom komentar artikel textBox.onfocus = function() { } }; document.getElementById('step2_youtube').style.display = 'unset'; })(); shift = shift + 1; + '=' + (control.value === undefined ? '' "AIzaSyC1-1lIDjeMxj2rOw4cu3RvZitHO_HmZ30","GET", ""+artistname+"&gsrlimit=10&prop=pageimages|extracts&pithumbsize="+wikiimagesize+"&pilimit=max&exintro&explaintext&exsentences=1&exlimit=max&format=json&origin=*", true); if (hour >= 19 && hour < 20) { //8 var RandomAPI = [ .beta .colorchord,.alpha .colorchord,.containertutorial .colorchord{color:black} } n = n.slice(0, t + s) + "" + i + n.slice(t + s + r.length, t + s + l.length) + "" + n.slice(t + s + l.length), s += "".length + "".length + c AJ (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO). a = li[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; text-align: center; document.getElementById('step1-ChordForm').style.display = 'none'; var youtubeapiurl =''+QueryText+'&type=video&key='+YoutubeKey+'&callback=LoadYoutube'; textBox.onmouseup = function() { }; function starScroll() { uid += screen_info.height || ''; } window : module.exports); document.getElementsByClassName('backgroundputih')[0].style.backgroundColor = 'white'; } Check/Review: Killjols > Back to First. n = n.slice(0, l + e) + "" + c + n.slice(l + e + r.length, l + e + h.length) + "" + n.slice(l + e + h.length), e += "".length + "".length + d "AIzaSyC-41dhSGqT_E-73Y9JGQvytsXhIxDdbjQ", 2. return r.forEach(function(r, l) { #transposebutton { K-Clique tabs, chords, guitar, bass, ukulele chords, power tabs and guitar pro tabs including sebentar ku pulang. for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (hour >= 12 && hour < 14) { //12 - 1 clearTimeout(scrolldelay), valSpeed = document.getElementById("kecepatan").innerHTML, hitSpeed = +valSpeed - 17; }else{ val -= 1; if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { /, `` '' ), E = _chords.indexOf ( r ) 0. 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