Blue hands are a serious symptom that may be caused by a serious or life-threatening underlying condition. Lets us know how u get on hun, hope everythings ok. xx. Keep in mind that a baby who is choking may not make noise. A brief screening examination should be conducted checking the face, eyes, mouth, chest, abdomen, spine and limbs to exclude major abnormalities. There are specific soft bottles available to assist with this problem – mothers can express their breast milk to … How right she was . Our lo does when he's crying, no other time and he's usually a happy little chappy, I've spoken to the hv who says it's a sign of wind and unless his lips go blue not to worry, I'm not convinced and have decided to make gp appointment on Monday. I am starting to get slightly concerned about my lo. As the name suggests, the disease affects the mouth along with the hands and the feet of the individuals. It’s usually seen in infants, especially above the upper lip. After speaking to my health visitor she assured me it was nothing to worry about . Very interesting. That in fact the blue ring around her mouth was due to her having wind . The blue ring was very strange never heard of it before. It is important to pay attention to the neck creases. What are your thoughts/experiences? Keep in mind that a baby who is choking may not make noise. Word of advice make sure to have a Muslin over you shoulder !. Can anyone tell me have they had this problem as I dont want to go ringing the doctor if its just wind for example and feel a right plonker, its just that as I said she seems to have been like this a while now, strangers have even commented on it. Dry your baby gently with the towel. Mouth ulcers are cuts/lesions that are formed in the mouth (the gums, the tongue or the insides of the cheeks). Same as above. If you have a mouth ulcer that lasts longer than three weeks, call your dental practice for advice. She much preferred the second way and we found it more successful. He’s absolutely fine a healthy happen 9 year old now. Non-bullous impetigo typically affects the skin around the nose and mouth, causing sores that quickly burst to leave a yellow-brown crust. This is a rare cause of rash around mouth region that can occur in women. I am not a medical professional but am a 'heart mummy' as my little boy has a heart condition and blue mouth & nails are both signs of his condition which do require medical attention. Drooling. Also, is there any breathlessness of any sort, a cough (obvious I know) or any rattle to the chest and/or back? Before you know it, it will be like none of it ever happened xx, I know it all goes too fast I want it to slow down now !! We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Stop giving the dummy ... j is dehydrated - dry mouth, no tears, sunken eyes, or soft spot on the baby’s head is sunken; j has a rash that does not disappear with pressure. Now I know my daughter needs to be burped when the blue shows up. Nursing: See if the hospital where you delivered your baby has a lactation consultant. Perioral dermatitis, as it is known medically, is a rash around the mouth that presents classic symptoms caused by various conditions such as eczema, folliculitis, or even chemical burns. If the lips and tongue remain pink while the area around the mouth turns blue, this is fine. This generally is due to either a lack of oxygen in the blood or to extremely cold temperatures. Dear Rebecca: I’m a 20-year-old college student, and I’ve had a white line around my lips for years now. It isn’t a cause for concern in children under the age of 2. trying to find my way in the world of parenting. Some of the most common children’s illnesses come with spots and rashes on the skin. But I could be mistaken. The most common symptom of blue baby syndrome is a blue discoloration of the skin around the mouth, hands, and feet. The first way we would try was to gently rub or tap her back . blue/grey around mouth Netmums Parent Supporters are on this board every weekday evening to answer your queries on baby and child health. If you suffer from intestinal permeability (leaky gut), acid indigestion, GERD, colitis, polyps, diverticulitis, celiac disease, SIBO, bloating, autoimmune disease, melasma, weight problems or IBS, your mouth region will show it. Oral contraceptives can stimulate pimples like a rash to show up around the mouth. Subject: Baby blue around mouth after bath? Most commonly, … The first would be to pop her over our shoulder . Among these causes are environmental exposures and certain medical conditions. For a mild case, your doctor will advise home treatments similar to those for a common cold:. Many parents worry when they find that their young child or baby has a bluish purple bump on their gums. Peripheral cyanosis clears within a few days. If your baby’s impetigo is severe or widespread, your doctor may prescribe antibiotic liquid for you to give her by mouth (NHS 2018, NICE 2018).Give your baby the full course of antibiotics, even if her symptoms clear up quickly (NHS 2017, NHS 2018).This will help to prevent the infection from returning or becoming resistant to the antibiotics (NHS 2017). And dont worry they wont think anything. I'm assuming the ranitidine is for GERD. The red bumps may be tiny but can produce feelings of self-consciousness, especially if the rash becomes … Most common in infants — food left on the mouth for too long can cause skin irritation. Same as above. My son had the blue around the mouth for several weeks, I don't recall ever noticing it after 3 months. My son used to get silent reflux and battled constantly with his wind. We are all going through it ! What Lips Used to Look Like. If a baby is struggling to breathe, call 911 immediately. I had this with my second child when he was 2 weeks old, it was so scary as we thought it had something to do with his breathing and I hardly slept for worry . Try to keep your baby's skin clean and dry. 1. Mouth: Having the mouth open is normal. If it was wind related the colour would be grey rather than blue. You may even witness this yourself in the exam room. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. It’s normal for babies to have eight or more colds a year as they have no immunity to cold viruses (NHS Choices, 2017a).Colds last longer in younger children, hanging around for 14 days or even three weeks in babies, compared with adult colds that last around seven (NICE, 2016).. 2. Take your child to the hospital for: Stops breathing for longer than 10 seconds Dusky or blue color around lips associated with noisy breathing Chest or neck retractions that do not stop with repositioning your child or waking your child up How strange about the blue ring?? This product is displayed based on comments within this post. His lips are pink and he is breathing normally, the only other symptoms he's had lately is a very light dry cough - maybe only 5 little coughs in a 24 hour period and super duper fussy at nap times. There are so many blood vessels in the areas near the head and neck that even a tiny cut on your little one’s lip or tongue can cause a lot of bleeding (which can even make it difficult for … Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. It can be such a worrying time being a parent. Hi just looking some advice please, if there are any doctors/health professionals on this board. I write all about the ups and downs of being a parent. It’s normal for babies to have eight or more colds a year as they have no immunity to cold viruses (NHS Choices, 2017a).Colds last longer in younger children, hanging around for 14 days or even three weeks in babies, compared with adult colds that last around seven (NICE, 2016).. 2. He seems completely fine otherwise but the discoloration isn't going away. Blue lip means windy baby? They are also called canker sores and can develop due to mouth injuries caused while brushing or during dental treatments. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. It is most commonly identifiable by the formation of lesions around the mouth. Find out what to do in case of a blue spell. Baby coughs and colds are incredibly common. 16. It could be a chest infection or a million other things including bad lighting or babies thin skin around the mouth so I'd definately ring NHS direct and get sound advice. For the fastest help on, More posts in "May 2010 Birth Club" group, Create a post in "May 2010 Birth Club" group, Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch. You are passing a message to a BabyCenter staff member. If you have sufficient clinical experience, an orogastric tube should be passed when the neonate's mother has suffe… Call NHS 111 if: your or your child's fingers, toes, hands and feet are blue This may be a sign of poor blood circulation. After speaking to my health visitor she assured me it was nothing to worry about . When Ava was very little we started to notice she had a blue ring around her mouth, I started to worry I mean why is my baby blue around the mouth surely it’s not normal . Hi, did you ring the NHS? X x. my baby girl is a month old today. We did also do some massage techniques to help her which,involved rubbing her tummy in circular motions . For the purpose of this article, contact dermatitis around the mouth and perioral dermatitis are discussed in greater detail. Mouth foaming, unlike saliva flowing in the form of secretion rather than around the mouth and lips are seen as the accumulation of foamy saliva. Anonymous: Since my DD was a few weeks old, I occasionally noticed after bath time that she was blue-ish/discolored around her mouth. Help us improve NHS inform Don’t include personal information e.g. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Yea I think it's true. That in fact the blue ring around her mouth was due to her having wind . Take your baby to see your doctor and he will check that nothing more serious is causing his crying. Encourage your baby to take extra breastfeeds or bottle feeds (NHS 2015, RCHM 2010).If your baby is formula-fed or on solids he can have water, too. Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common infection that causes mouth ulcers and spots on the hands and feet. If the lips and tongue remain pink while the area around the mouth turns blue, this is fine. This slams my self-esteem and confidence. You just have to remember your doing your best . Don’t get me wrong we did wind her during feeds but she must not of brought it all up . My little boy had severe colic up until he was 4 months old and spent alot of the time with this blue 'ring' around his mouth/nose. I saw it again tonight (she's now 10.5 months) and started to be concerned. Alone a bluish tinge around the mouth on it's own in an adult wouldn't majorly concern me but as I say that's in an adult. I remember the days of doing bicycles with him to try and help. Your email address will not be published. When Ava was very little we started to notice she had a blue ring around her mouth, I started to worry I mean why is my baby blue around the mouth surely it’s not normal . Reply. Sometimes the blue mouth (which I found is called cyanosis) isn't that noticable, and other times its obviously blue and looks like the skin around his eyes is blue too. The virus can be transmitted through close contact with infected people, as well as contaminated objects and surfaces. I do not want to alarm you but I would say take your baby to A&E and get them to check her heart. ... My mum said it the other day how Amelia was blue around the mouth so she much still be windy. When the salivary glands become active and become aware of the saliva accumulated in the mouth, the baby can turn it into a fun. Blue lips in infants Cyanosis that is only found in the areas around the lips, hands, and feet is called acrocyanosis. Most noticeably is the area between the nose and upper lip. This we also found was very successful . Thanks everyone for all your replies its just around her mouth nowhere else. A side note, you probably want a “muslin” cloth (with an n) over your shoulder – not “Muslim”. It is mostly common among children, particularly, little babies. She has had a bluish colour around her mouth now for the past 2 wks or so. Medically, blood blisters in the mouth may be related to a condition known as angina bullosa hemorrhagica (ABH). Injuries to the lips and mouth Includes inner cheeks and the roof of the mouth (hard and soft palate) Front of the mouth includes the tongue. Peri-oral cyanosis – the parent will come in and report that the baby turned blue around the mouth. Any abnormal markings or rash around mouth areas can be disturbing and embarrassing to deal with. Andcsreing the tongur isca normal variant. Usually not worrisome. Mouth injuries in children usually look much worse than they really are. The cleft in the palate means that the baby will find it difficult to form a seal around the breast or bottle so will find sucking hard – this can have an immediate effect after birth on feeding. - BabyCenter Canada For uniformity throughout the article, I will simply refer to them as eruption cysts. Seek immediate medical care (call 911) if you experience blue hands with other serious symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, chest pain or pressure, fatigue, fainting or a change in level of consciousness or lethargy. Pacifiers. The parainfluenza virus is the most common cause of croup. (NHS 2015) How is bronchiolitis treated? What causes the baby blues? It was my mam that said it … According to NHS, a lump on the roof of the mouth can be a possible sign of mouth cancer, also called oral cancer. but I will see how she is tomorrow. As with so many postpartum issues, the baby blues mostly come down to hormones (NHS Choices, 2018b). They said more of a sign is blue lips and blue Tongue. Causes of blue skin or lips (cyanosis) My LO has a blue tinge in the space around his mouth. • Use another piece of cotton wool and water to wipe around your baby’s nose and mouth and wash the rest of your baby's face and neck. If your baby cries for more than three hours a day, three days a week for three weeks, (Turner 2017) it’s known as persistent crying. you must never feel like a plonker - better go one too many than one too less times!!! Mouth injuries in children usually look much worse than they really are. When you contact your dental practice or Health Board for a dental appointment, you MUST tell them if you have tested positive for coronavirus (COVID19) OR you are currently self-isolating OR … It's often referred to as colic and it can be very stressful for you and your partner (NHS 2016b). Blue around the mouth (& nails) does indicate lack of oxygen and can indicate a problem with the heart. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Definitely something to mention to the doctor at her next appointment because if it's something that doesn't go away within a few months it could indicate other issues but for now it is normal. When Ava was very little we started to notice she had a blue ring around her mouth, I started to worry I mean why is my baby blue around the mouth surely it’s not normal . Swimming in … A trip to the docs made it more worrying as he was unsure and at last a paediatrician said it was just because he had pale skin and that if I looked at my 4 year old he had a slight bluish hue to the skin round his mouth – I’d never noticed! Blue baby syndrome can refer to a number of conditions that affect oxygen transportation in the blood, resulting in blueness of the skin in babies. I was always under the impression that this meant wind & she does and always has suffered with terrible wind since birth but tonight I thought I would have a look at my pregnancy bible & under the section medical problems it states that if baby develops a bluish colour around the mouth and the face urgent medical advice is required, now its just her mouth thats bluish not her face. Ambiguous genitalia is a medical emergency and requires urgent assessment by a paediatrician. X, Had something similar with my daughter! Maybe she was cold ? If a baby is struggling to breathe, call 911 immediately. This is also known as cyanosis and is a … Messy Eating . Lastly we would move her legs as if she was riding a bike . panicky mom who loves her girl. Oh my gosh I bet that was a worrying time for you !!! Several conditions can cause alterations in the skin’s melanin production and promote the formation of dark circles around the mouth. Love the Wonder Woman baby grow by the way! That in fact the blue ring around her mouth was due to her having wind . He is now 9.5 months old and on occasions, mainly after his night time bottle he will get the blue again, luckily now he … However, a skin rash around the mouth can be due to so many conditions, like contact dermatitis, which often affects babies and children. Baby reflux is effectively the same thing as posseting, which is when babies bring up a small amount of milk (usually a teaspoonful) without seeming to mind (NHS start4life, 2019). Maybe she was cold ? If it was wind related the colour would be grey rather than blue. she gets blue around the mouth quite alot and sometimes for long periods. Mouth foaming, unlike saliva flowing in the form of secretion rather than around the mouth and lips are seen as the accumulation of foamy saliva. 2. See your GP if you think your child has impetigo. The 2-week well-baby check raised no concerns. I also googled (wish I hadnt off) and have read other advice saying that its lack of oxygen and you must see a doctor asap. He seemed to behave normally. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. We would do this is two different positions . I would take her to doctors. No you right thank you for pointing this out ! If a dr says it then maybe there's some truth to it. I wouldn't worry about feeling like a plonker, I once called the Dr out at 5am as it felt like someone was sitting on my chest - it turned out it was heartburn. As with many airborne viruses, the parainfluenza virus is often spread by breathing in droplets from infected coughs or sneezes. I want all parents to know they are not alone. When the baby sucks the veins becomes engorged with blood and will be visible through the skin. Blue around the mouth (& nails) does indicate lack of oxygen and can indicate a problem with the heart. Glad everything was okay x. When the skin becomes a bluish color, the symptom is called cyanosis. Phone the NHS direct it could be her oxygen levels have dropped but you do need to get it checked out. A strong cry and a widespread pink blush over the face and body are good signs that all is well. . Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. The baby has a venous plexus, (a network of interconnecting veins) around the mouth. I hope your lo is okay and it turns out to be nothing to worry about x, as pp says give nhs direct a call - keep us posted on how u get on, Just ring your docs or go up to the hospital, even if its nothing its better to be sure, just to put ur mind at ease. Impetigo. 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